First, if you can't even install PithHelmet (because your Safari isn't recognized), use Pacifist to get the PithHelmet.bundle onto your desktop. It's a SIMBL plug, so make the following directory (if not already there) and place this plugin within it:
/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/PithHelmet.bundle
If you're using a newer Safari with an older OS (Tiger), here's how to use PithHelmet:
- In Safari, select File>About Safari.
- Note the version/build number in parentheses, i.e., (4525.18).
- Quit Safari.
- Navigate to /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/PithHelmet.bundle.
- Control click to show package contents.
- Open bundle and go to Contents.
- Double click or open info.plist in your favorite text editor.hange MaxBundleVersion to the current Safari version. This is to match the current Safari version/build.
It will then look like this:
Save and relaunch Safari.
Original instructions: Mind Mining Medium; Safari 3.1 and Pith Helmet
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