Sunday, May 11, 2008

Safari 3.1.1. - "Error while printing"

Here's a weird one. Under one account on my Powerbook, I suddenly can no longer print from Safari (3.1.1.) via Bonjour (i.e., a shared printer on another Mac). Other applications work fine, and other accounts can print from Safari.

Console consistently looked like this:

2008-05-11 10:22:09.602 Safari[1609] PMSessionValidatePrintSettings failed (error code = -50)
2008-05-11 10:22:09.672 Safari[1609] PMSessionEndDocumentNoDialog failed (error code = -30871)
2008-05-11 10:22:11.243 Safari[1609] Failed to end PMPrintContext

Here are the solutions I tried that were ineffective:

The culprit?

Little had been accidentally set to block Safari connections.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Safari 3.x and PithHelmet

First, if you can't even install PithHelmet (because your Safari isn't recognized), use Pacifist to get the PithHelmet.bundle onto your desktop. It's a SIMBL plug, so make the following directory (if not already there) and place this plugin within it:

/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/PithHelmet.bundle

If you're using a newer Safari with an older OS (Tiger), here's how to use PithHelmet:

  • In Safari, select File>About Safari.
  • Note the version/build number in parentheses, i.e., (4525.18).
  • Quit Safari.
  • Navigate to /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/PithHelmet.bundle.
  • Control click to show package contents.
  • Open bundle and go to Contents.
  • Double click or open info.plist in your favorite text editor.hange MaxBundleVersion to the current Safari version. This is to match the current Safari version/build.

It will then look like this:



Save and relaunch Safari.

Original instructions: Mind Mining Medium; Safari 3.1 and Pith Helmet