When installing Adobe Reader on your Mac, you also inadvertently install the plugin inside Safari that takes forever to open a pdf. To get rid of it, just delete their damn plugin at:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin
When installing Adobe Reader on your Mac, you also inadvertently install the plugin inside Safari that takes forever to open a pdf. To get rid of it, just delete their damn plugin at:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin
So, it looks like a new cat-and-mouse game has erupted between Apple (trying to gouge folks for another dollar) and savvy users who want to load their iPhone with ringtone music they already own. This is quite similar to the DRM wars, where users have continued trying to remove the protections from AAC files they have purchased from iTunes.
How to sync ringtones for free under iTunes 7.4.1 – iPhone Atlas:
Apple’s release of iTunes 7.4.1 put an end to the free transfer of current AAC tracks as ringtones to the iPhone — for a day or so at least.
Of course, other tricks continue to work for adding ringtones to cellphones using Bluetooth, like the Motorola RAZR v3, especially using music from your CD collection or other mp3s.